Article ID: KB0090149
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When creating a Service using the COMDriver within Visual Basic, it is still convenient to be able to set the Service Description properties. This allows the User to look at the GridServer Adminstration Tool and identify jobs submitted from the COM enabled application using a descriptive identifier.
To set these properties, it is necessary to know the strings specified as keys to the StringProperties.put function.
The names (taken from the Service Session Admin detail) and their keys are as follows:
* Session Name: "serviceName"
* Session Type: "serviceTypeName"
* Department: "deptName"
* Group: "groupName"
* Individual: "individualName"
* Application Name: "appName"
* Application Description: "appDescription"
For the English language versions of GridServer using default string resources, the key strings are also used on the Service Registry in the Description section as the first column (the specifiers of the description options).
The following code example shows how to add a description in Excel:
Dim factory as New DSCOMDRIVERLib.ServiceFactory Dim desc as New DSCOMDRIVERLib.Properties
desc.put "serviceName", "JoesExcelService" desc.put "individualName", "Joe User"
Set Service = factory.CreateService("ExcelService", "open myEngineSpreadsheet.xls", Nothing, desc)
Adding Description to a Service in VB (COMDriver) code