TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator 5.2.0 has a known issue while creating the Platform War file in UNIX platform if you have "//" in the domainutility.tra file
Article ID: KB0090654
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator
Not Applicable
Description: Symptoms ======== This is applicable if while installing TRA on UNIX platform you have specified TIBCO_HOME with the slash "/" at the end. For e.g. "/local/tibco/" instead of "/local/tibco" This causes all the .tra files (domainutility.tra, designer.tra, etc.) to have an extra slash "//".
Impact ====== Domainutility errors out while creating Platform WAR file.
Workaround ========== Following are the workarounds to resolve this issue: Workaround-1) Replace "tibco//" with "tibco/" in your domainutility.tra file Workaround-2) Reinstall TRA with correct value for TIBCO_HOME
Cause ===== This happens due to the extra "/" in the domainutility.tra file
Resolution ========== There is NO resoultion for this for now. This is a one time change. We have created a defect for this in the TRA installer so that the installer will NOT add the extra slash. Symptoms:
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator 5.2.0 has a known issue while creating the Platform War file in UNIX platform if you have "//" in the domainutility.tra file