Article ID: KB0090657
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The adapter establishes connection with same object manager instance as many times as the number of threads configured and one backup connection object is also created. The single object manager can cater to all the connection requests.
E.g. If the number of threads is configured as 10, one object manager on Siebel is instantiated 11 times.
The number of HTTP threads is the same as the number of threads created for outbound requests.
For outbound requests, the number of threads to be created during run-time has to be specified through the parameter, ‘Number of Threads to process Siebel Events’ in the ‘Adapter Services’ tab of the adapter configuration.
For inbound requests, the number of threads to be created during run-time has to be specified for each session (containing Subscription and Request-Response Services). A default value applicable to all these sessions can be provided through the field ‘Number of Threads’ in ‘Adapter Services’ tab. This can be overridden for each individual session containing the inbound service(s), through the ’ Multithreading’ tab. Total number of inbound threads = Sum of thread count specified for each session (containing Subscription and Request-Response Services).
For e.g. if the value of the parameter in ‘Number of Threads’ field in ‘Adapter Services’ tab is 1, and if there are five session containing inbound service(s), for whom the values are specified as <empty>, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively in the ‘Multithreading’ tab, the thread count of each of these sessions will be 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Please note that here for the first session since no value was specified through the ‘Multithreading’ tab, the value was taken from the Adapter Services tab.
The best practice is to provide value for ‘Number of Threads’ in ‘Adapter Services’ tab as zero (0), and specify all inbound thread values through the ‘Multithreading’ tab, so that no unwanted inbound threads are created for any sessions.
How does the Siebel adapter connect to Siebel Object Manager in multi-threaded mode?