How to Build a JRE GridLibrary

How to Build a JRE GridLibrary


Article ID: KB0090095


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TIBCO DataSynapse GridServer -
Not Applicable -


Sometimes applications require that the GridServer Engines run a specific Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version. When using a version of GridServer that supports GridLibraries (4.1+) you can package any JRE version as a GridLibrary on which the application GridLibrary may depend. To do so you must perform the following steps:

    * Locate a functional installation of the target JDK version for the target platform.
    * Ensure that the US Export Sun JCE package is properly installed in the target JDK. Typically this means updating the files US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar in the jre/lib/security directory under the JDK install directory.
    * Create a grid-library.xml file with the following contents, Where the os attribute and grid-library-version tag equal your target environment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
&ltgrid-library jre="true" os="win32">

    * Archive the grid-library.xml file and the jre directory using ZIP or tar and gzip into a file named (or .tar.gz), again where the os name and version number equal your target environment. You may now deploy this GridLibrary.
    * Modify your appliacation GridLibrary so that it contains the following dependency tag:


After performing these steps your application will use the exact JRE version that you have specified.


How to Build a JRE GridLibrary