TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Connector Installation Guide update regarding the permitted characters for target installation locations.

TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Connector Installation Guide update regarding the permitted characters for target installation locations.


Article ID: KB0090111


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Connector -
Not Applicable -


Current wording in the Installation Guide, Chapter 1 Introduction,
for the iProcess BusinessWorks Client Plug-in system requirements:-

If you have installed the TIBCO iProcess Client in a directory that
contains spaces, you must un-install it and re-install it in a
directory that does not contain spaces. This is because the
TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Client Plug-in will not install in a
directory that contains spaces.

Will be replaced with the revised wording:-

If you have installed the TIBCO iProcess Client in a directory that
contains spaces, hyphens or other non-alphanumeric characters
(with the exception of underscore), you must un-install it and
re-install it in a directory that does not contain spaces.
This is because the TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Client
Plug-in will not install in a directory that contains non-supported



TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Connector Installation Guide update regarding the permitted characters for target installation locations.