Corrections to migration process & updated Hotfix/PSP bucket.

Corrections to migration process & updated Hotfix/PSP bucket.


Article ID: KB0090828


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Object Service Broker for z/OS -
Not Applicable -


Installation File Names

   z/OS Base Files
The TIBCO ObjectStar Installation and Operations for z/OS manual,
in Chapter 1, "System Preparation", on page 4, lists the following
filenames for installation:

These files are contained in the download file
under the following names:

   OIG Files
The TIBCO ObjectStar Integration Gateway manual, under
"Installing OIG", on page 8, mentions the following files
for installation:
These files are also contained in the
download file under the following names:

   Other Files
This download file also contains the following
for the TIBCO BusinessWorks Mainframe Integrator Plug-in
and for the TIBCO ObjectStar IDE:

   z/OS Migration File
For migration you also need the download file called, which contains:
   Gateway Insallation Files
This Installation for z/OS chapter also lists the following files
that you may require:
These files come in two versions:
    These are the files you use when you intend to run
    your entire ObjectStar system on z/OS:
    These are the files for installations where
    the Data Object Broker runs on Windows or Solaris:

You can get these from the download files for their respective
    TIBCO Service Gateway for Adabas
    TIBCO Service Gateway for Datacom
    TIBCO Service Gateway for DB2
    TIBCO Service Gateway for IDMS/DB
    TIBCO Service Gateway for IMS/DB
    TIBCO Service Gateway for M204

Migration Procedure Correction #1

As noted in the ObjectStar Installation and Operations for z/OS manual,
in Chapter 12, "Migrating from ObjectStar Release 4.0 to Release 4.1",
on page 145, "You must receive, apply, and accept the base component
FMIDs before you process any other component".

This means that you must do the SMP/E Migration steps in this order:
-- Step 1
-- Step 2
-- Step 3 with APLYBASE
-- Step 4 with ACPTBASE
-- Step 3 with APLYCICS, APLYDLI, and APLYDC
-- Step 4 with ACPTCICS, ACPTDLI, and ACPTDC
-- Steps 5, 6, and 7

Preventative Service Planning (PSP) Bucket

Whenever you install a maintenance level of the product, you must
check for a PSP bucket/Hotfix. This file is mentioned in the
ObjectStar Installation and Operations for z/OS manual,
in Chapter 12, "Migrating from ObjectStar Release 4.0 to Release 4.1",
in SMP/E Migration step #5, on page 147.

You can download the PSP bucket/Hotfix from the TIBCO Product Support
ftp server,, using your username
and password for the TIBCO Support Web. When you are logged on,
you can find the Hotfix under:

As necessary, fixes will be added to the file to fix future problems.

Migration Procedure Correction #2

In the ObjectStar Installation and Operations for z/OS manual,
in Chapter 12, "Migrating from ObjectStar Release 4.0 to Release 4.1",
on page 148, at the end of Final Migration Step #3, the procedure
tells you the acceptable return code from the jobs you submit.
This should read "These jobs should end with RC=4". This is
because the Data Object Broker is shut down.

If you have any questions with these instructions, do not
hesitate to contact TIBCO Support.


Corrections to migration process & updated Hotfix/PSP bucket.