Receiving ERROR 1053 when trying to start Agent and HMA service after installing on Windows, but both processes can be started from command line.

Receiving ERROR 1053 when trying to start Agent and HMA service after installing on Windows, but both processes can be started from command line.


Article ID: KB0090082


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TIBCO Hawk -
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The error message is "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."

On Windows 2003, it might be the cause by Access Control Entry discribed in Microsoft Knowledge Base KB886695 (, you need to obtain a hotfix from Microsoft. A workaround is to create a non system Administrator user account and use it as the Service Logon account.


Receiving ERROR 1053 when trying to start Agent and HMA service after installing on Windows, but both processes can be started from command line.