When does a Hawk Display or a Hawk Event Service decide that a Hawk Agent is dead? How many heartbeats have to be lost before an Agent is declared dead?

When does a Hawk Display or a Hawk Event Service decide that a Hawk Agent is dead? How many heartbeats have to be lost before an Agent is declared dead?


Article ID: KB0091104


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TIBCO Hawk -
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The Display expects to get at least a heartbeat from the node every < heartbeat interval> plus 10% of this. If the Agent/node is too busy to get out its heartbeat in a timely manner, the Display will detect the lack of heartbeat and mark the Agent dead. If the Agent/node finally gets around to send its heartbeat then Display marks it green (live again).

For example, if an Agent has a heartbeat interval of 30 seconds and a Display receives the heartbeat at 01:00:00 GMT, it will expect to receive the next heartbeat before 01:00:33 GMT (30 seconds plus 10% of 30 seconds). If this heartbeat does not arrive by 01:00:33 GMT the Display will detect the lack of heartbeat and mark the Agent dead instantly.


When does a Hawk Display or a Hawk Event Service decide that a Hawk Agent is dead? How many heartbeats have to be lost before an Agent is declared dead?