Article ID: KB0091105
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We have created one Example/Solution for this kind of issue - Can you please go thru this example Project / JSM Config file and that should help you resolve this issue.
Sample on connecting BW 5.x application with client authorization to TIBCO JMS server with SSL.
See the attached BW project and the conf files of tibjms. The BW sample uses the default certificates that are available with the tibjms install, and the default password for the certificates are the same.
Make sure that you are running the tibjms server with the following option in your tibco/jms/bin directory
tibjmsd -config tibjmsdssl.conf and modify the project with your tibjms server username and password where applicable.
Basicly , In order to connect to JMS Server using SSL you need to do following steps:-
1. Drag and Drop a "JMS Connection" resource into your project
2. Click on "Use SSL" checkbox
3. Import the public certificates that are used by the JMS Server into a new folder into the project
4. Point the folder from step 3 into "Trusted Certificates Folder" field in the JMS Connection resource.
5. Enter "Identity" only if JMS Server is doing client authentication, if client authentication is not enabled on the JMS Server, then you don't need to populate this field.
6. If client authentication is enabled and before you have to enter "Identity" in JMS Connection, you would have to create a Identity file for your server.
Keywords :- JMS, SSL, BW JMS
How to configure JMS connection to use SSL and JNDI in BW?