Is RVFT compatible with HP Teaming fault tolerance configuration?If yes, do any RVFT configuration parameters need special attention?
Article ID: KB0090606
Updated On:
TIBCO Rendezvous
Not Applicable
Resolution: As long as it is configured in “Fault Tolerance” mode, HP Teaming works fine with RVFT. Whereas, in “Load Balancing” mode issues may occur because the load balancing techniques may constantly reassign the active network adapter, and RV daemons bind to the network interface only at startup.
Additional configuration may be required when the network adapter teaming switches to a different adapter for fault tolerance. In this case, you will need to restart RVD or RVRD. If RVRD is installed as a Windows service, it will not stop or restart automatically. This will need to be done as part of the failover process.
You might experience problems when using multicast because the RVD/RVRD binds to a specific NIC when joining a multicast group (IGMP membership); your only solution in this case would be to restart the RVD when you failover between NICs.
The failover works fine while sending to a broadcast address.
Is RVFT compatible with HP Teaming fault tolerance configuration?If yes, do any RVFT configuration parameters need special attention?