I see the following error in my application log:"Not connected to daemon" What could be the possible reasons for this error?
Article ID: KB0091106
Updated On:
TIBCO Rendezvous
Not Applicable
Resolution: This error "Not connected to Daemon" states that the function tibrvTransport_create() failed to initialize the rvd/rvrd in the specified network / port. There could be various reasons for these errors:
1) cpu times held up by other processes 2) slow network connectivity 3) the application is not able to find an existing rvd with the specified parameters (e.g. remote daemon syntax). 4) Also, in the RV Rlease Notes, documented as a known issue on Solaris 2.8 platform:
===== Begin Quote ===== Daemon Autostart
On Solaris 2.8 platforms, in some situations, rvd does not start automatically. This behavior results from a bug in the Solaris implementation of the system call recv().
Workaround: Update Solaris 2.8 with the latest OS patches. ===== End Quote =====
Troubleshooting: We would recommend our customers to run our sample tibrvlisten program and try to connect to the local daemon and see if they could reproduce the same error “Not connected to daemon”.
Possible workaround: Start the rvd manually before starting the application, this will prevent having the application auto-start the rvd.
I see the following error in my application log:"Not connected to daemon"
What could be the possible reasons for this error?