My private process is receiving a message from BC5.x/BCRN5.xHow can I find out whether this is a message resent or coming directly from a Trading Partner (TP)?

My private process is receiving a message from BC5.x/BCRN5.xHow can I find out whether this is a message resent or coming directly from a Trading Partner (TP)?


Article ID: KB0091057


Updated On: 01-14-2017

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect RosettaNet Protocol -
Not Applicable -


No. There is no flag available in the message to help you differentiate between these two scenarios. The Private Process should be able to distinguish it based on the PID (Process Instance Identifier) in the message.  If your Private Process receives a PID, which has already been processed, then it can deduce that the message is resent. Otherwise it is a new message.


My private process is receiving a message from BC5.x/BCRN5.xHow can I find out whether this is a message resent or coming directly from a Trading Partner (TP)?