Why do I get an error "Class description not available for: Cannot create proper class description, while deserializing node error" when using Publish to Adapter RR mode in Business Works ?

Why do I get an error "Class description not available for: Cannot create proper class description, while deserializing node error" when using Publish to Adapter RR mode in Business Works ?


Article ID: KB0091096


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database -
Not Applicable -


Here is a workaround and explanation, please follow these steps:

Step 1:
In Publish to Adapter Input tab, delete [for-each] statement, duplicate proper items (BINDS/Item, not STATEMENTS/item) elements based on your IN/OUT parameters number.

Change body/SQL_REQUEST/STATEMENTS/item/BINDS/Item/Data type from ANY to proper Data Type, for example: Integer or String is consonant with parameters type.

Explanation: about DATA field of type ANY, you have to coerce this field every time based on the input parameter type.

Run you project, you may get “RequestReply: Bind argument SQL_PNTR must include a table name” error.

Step 3:
Specify a table name for SQL_PNTR, AMEND_NR and so on. The table must exist in DB.
Run your project, you may get “RequestReply: : Error binding parameter 1” error.

Step 4:
Change all items NAME to be consonant with table columns name, try again.
For example, if table TABLEA has a column name ColumnA, and type is same as parameter SQL_PNTR, the item name should be like “TABLEA.ColumnA”, not “TABLEA.SQL_PNTR”.

Run your project, it should work.


Why do I get an error "Class description not available for: Cannot create proper class description, while deserializing node error" when using Publish to Adapter RR mode in Business Works ?