Out of Memory Errors (java.lang.outofMemoryError :Java Heap Space) during Deployment.

Out of Memory Errors (java.lang.outofMemoryError :Java Heap Space) during Deployment.


Article ID: KB0090891


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Administrator -
Not Applicable -


If you are seeing out of Memory Errors in Admin Server logs then increase
the current java.heap.size.max settings value in your tibcoadmin_&ltdomainName>.tra
file to a higher value and restart the Admin Server. The possibility of such errors
occurring in Admin log is more in a File Based Domain, increasing it to a value of
1024M is recommended for  larger domains.

If you are seeing the out of memory errors in your Hawk or tsm.logs then increase
the java.heap.size.max settings in your /tra/domain/&ltdomainName>/hawkagent_<
domainName>.tra file which is on your deployment machine and restart the

Note: Choosing an optimum heap size to your Admin Server/Hawkagent also depends upon
your machine  resources. It is very important to set the maximum heap size to a value that
allows the heap to  be contained within physical memory. If the heap exceeds the
physical memory, then heap can begins swapping to disk which could cause
performance to decrease.


Out of Memory Errors (java.lang.outofMemoryError :Java Heap Space) during Deployment.