Article ID: KB0090483
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There are two concepts here. One is TIBCO Repository server, which is a separate product from TIBCO Hawk. It is used to share common information among different TIBCO components, and to store private configuration data so that a singe instance's configuration can be assessed from anywhere within the network.
TIBCO hawk itself provides a Repository configuration mode which is a type of manual configuration mode. It is a network application that distributes configuration objects to agents.The agent will communicate with a list of repositories to obtain all configuration objects(rulebases, schedules, and rulebase maps). Repositories are kept on the network and can be assessed by multiple hawk agents. With this config mode, all agent that use the same Repository load all changes saved to the Repository on startup.
If you are to use hawk respository config mode, then you can refer to the administrator documentation for the chapter of "Using the Repository Option" as it has examples of using the repository. Also you can refer to the hawk configuration doc on configuration. Please note: for the repository path field in the hawk configuration, just use your repository name.(such as: suva, rather than a real path there.)
Here is a sample which you can test to see how it works:
1. configure agent to use repository mode and the repository server name "suva", and to bring up a repository server named "suva"
2. start the agent and display
3. use the display to create a dummy rulebase named "bula" and send it to the repository server named "suva"
4. now apply the same rulebase to your local agent named "<your agent
name>" ( this is just temporary so that when you create/edit the
name>rulebase map, you could choose it from the menu)
5. now go to the repository server "suva" and do "get rulebasemap" to create the rulebase map
6. Choose "bula" from the pulldown menu for rulebase and then select the host "<your agent name>" to create the rulebasemap.
7. Edit the rulebase on your agent "<your agent name>" to delete it so you now have no rulebases.
8. Bounce the agent so it will take the rulebasemap from the server "suva" and as it parses the rulebasemap, it also loads the rulebase "bula".
How to use Repository with hawk? Is there a need to install a repository server for this purpose?