TIBCO Adapter for MQSeries 5.2.1 has a dependency on the presence of TIBRVTX Header files for compiling custom conversion libraries.
Article ID: KB0086495
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Websphere MQ
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Resolution: In the 5.2.1 adapter there are custom function declarations like convertRVTX2MQ and convertMQ2RVTX. These functions use RVTX variables like tibrvtxTransport. These function declarations and definitions should not be commented out.
The Makefile needs to have the following in place:
TIBRVTX_DIR=<Path of the TIBRVTX> INCFILES=-I$(TIBRV_DIR)/include -I$(MQM_DIR)/inc -I$(TIBRVTX_DIR)/include
The reason is that the runtime adapter does have a dependency of RVTX related linker symbols and the adapter would start properly only if the RVTX symbols are found in the custom conversion library.
This restriction has been removed from the 5.3.0 version of the adapter.
TIBCO Adapter for MQSeries 5.2.1 has a dependency on the presence of TIBRVTX Header files for compiling custom conversion libraries.