Wrapping records attribute values in Master Catalog 'view records'

Wrapping records attribute values in Master Catalog 'view records'


Article ID: KB0086462


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager -
Not Applicable -


The Record attribute values can be wrapped by configuring the virgo.mc.record.view.attr.value.nowrap parameter in the UIProps.txt file. This parameter needs to be set to "normal" for the wrap to work. The UIProps.txt file needs to be saved in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/&ltenterprise>/catalog/master/&ltmaster catalog id> directory. Make sure that the velosel.catalog.mc.uipropsfile parameter in the MqProperties.confg file is set to UIProps.txt. Also, the wrap works only if there are space characters in the attribute values. The file name to be specified in the MqProperties.conf file is case-sensitive.


Wrapping records attribute values in Master Catalog 'view records'