Solaris 10 – Security strengthening leads to connectivity problems between iProcess Engine and Windows Clients.

Solaris 10 – Security strengthening leads to connectivity problems between iProcess Engine and Windows Clients.


Article ID: KB0086719


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) -
Not Applicable -


L044: Failed to connect to the network listener service: Port mapper failure; Authentication error.
L044 is an unhandled error defined by an unknown response from the O/S –
The section of the error that comes from the O/S is:
"Port mapper failure; Authentication error."
This is a security related issue.  If you run rpcinfo -p from a Solaris 10 box you should see the following error:
# rpcinfo -p
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Authentication error; why = Failed (unspecified error)

The solution is to allow remote connections, during the installation of Solaris the default is to disallow remote connections.

To re-enable:

svccfg -s bind setprop config/local_only = false
svcadm refresh bind
svcadm restart bind


Solaris 10 – Security strengthening leads to connectivity problems between iProcess Engine and Windows Clients.