Resolution: Steps to Install LDAP Hook for GS4.2 and FS2.0
LDAP hooks settings on director and broker:
1. Compile the LDAP hook code and create a jar file. 2. Stop the director and broker. 3. Deploy it in the following directory: %GS_Manager_root%webappsliveclusterWEB-INFlib 4. Deploy the LDAPHook.xml to the following directories: %GS_Manager_root%\webapps\livecluster\WEB-INF\hooks\Broker %GS_Manager_root%\webapps\livecluster\WEB-INF\hooks\Director 5. Deploy the LDAPHook.xml to the following directories, If you are using alternate base directories: %DS_BASEDIR%\WEB-INF\hooks\Broker %DS_BASEDIR%\WEB-INF\hooks\Director 6. Start the director and broker.
1. Most seen error code returned by the LDAP: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]; remaining name 'dc=datasynapse,dc=com': this error means that you did not configure the searchBase and/or the searchField values in your xml file correctly e.g.:<property n="searchBase" v="dc=datasynapse,dc=com"/> <property n="searchField" v="cn"/> [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials] this error means that you did not enter the right password or that the password is corrupted in the LDAP. 2. To encrypt the password use the following command: java -cp LdapUserAuthHook.jar EncryptPassword %1