Is it possible for a user with non-admin userid to retrieve list of Destinations (Queues / Topics) that he (Non Administrator) has access to ?

Is it possible for a user with non-admin userid to retrieve list of Destinations (Queues / Topics) that he (Non Administrator) has access to ?


Article ID: KB0092590


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -
Not Applicable -


Yes it is possible. To achieve this, you need to create a group that would have the admin view-destination permission, then add all the users to that group.

For example:
create group ViewDestinationsGroup
grant admin ViewDestinationsGroup view-destination
create user test
grant queue queue.sample test send
add member ViewDestinationsGroup test

Then, when the user "test" is used by the admin tool or API, the only thing you can get is its own acl.

Suppose you connect to the admin with the user "test", you can do:

tcp://localhost:7222> showacl user test
Target               Permissions for user 'test'
Queue=queue.sample   send

Using the admin API, you would do:
admin = new TibjmsAdmin(serverUrl,username,password);
ACLEntry acls[] = admin.getUserACLEntries(username);
for (int i=0; i&ltacls.length; i++)

Notice that if you don't want to create the group ViewDestinationsGroup and all all users to that group, you would need to grant the view-destination permission directly to the users you want to give that permission to.


Is it possible for a user with non-admin userid to retrieve list of Destinations (Queues / Topics) that he (Non Administrator) has access to ?