Article ID: KB0092598
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An administration domain consists of domain configurations, administration and application domain data repositories, application configurations, and so on. Because these files are distributed on all machines in the domain and a domain also relies on other things to work, for example, proper corresponding installations on each machine, using backup files to correctly restore an administration domain can be complicated due to the number of files and other factors involved. The following steps provide a high degree of success. However, rebuilding domain may be required if the file backup method does not work.
Using backup files to restore an administration domain can work by backing up the following files:
1. All administrator ".dat" files on the administrator server machine(s). The SYS_*.dat, AUTH_*.dat, and application's .dat files located in TIBCO_HOME/administrator/domain/<domain>/data.
(If you use a database for administration domain data, the database backup is equivalent to backing up the Sys_*.dat and Auth_*.dat files. If you use a database for application data, the database backup is equivalent to backing up <application>.dat).
2. tibcoadmin_*.* files on the administrator server machine located in TIBCO_HOME/administrator/domain/<domain>/bin, or in TIBCO_HOME/administrator/5.x/bin, if the TIBCO Administrator version is 5.1 or 5.2.
3. All files at TIBCO_HOME/tra/domain/<domain> on all machines.
(An alternative for the above backups is to back up everything under $TIBCO_HOME on each machine, if the backup is not too large.)
4.* files on all machines in the user's home on UNIX, or in C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT on Windows. This is not strictly required for backing up an administration domain, but required for the TIBCO software installation registry used by the administration domain.
The best time to back up is when the administration domain is well configured, functional and all TIBCO services are stopped. If this is not feasible, back up when there are NO Write operations in the domain, for example, no application deployments, no user or role creation or modification, and so on.
When restoring the administration domain, you must:
- stop the administrator server and the hawk agent on the server machine, and the hawk agent on all machines,
- restore the backup files, you must restore files to the original directories, in other words under the same TIBCO_HOME as before.
- restart the administrator server and hawk agent on the server machine, and the hawk agent on all machines.
Because doing file backup can't guarantee an intact administration domain recovery, you may need to rebuild the domain. You should:
- note the domain configuration,
- back up each application’s .ear file and deployment configuration .xml files for redeployment,
- export your domain security information to a XML file using ExportDomainSecurity at /tra/5.x/bin/
Doing so can guarantee the recovery of your administration domain.
Do you have recommendations for backing up and restoring an Administrator domain?