2. This can be accomplished as follows on Windows:
(a). In RV 7: in the <TIBCO/RV_INSTALL>\src\examples\c\win directory, you will find a sample C program called 'demonstart'. This can be used to automatically start an RVD/RVRD process using parameters from the command line or a command string stored in a separate file.
(b). In RV 8: in the <TIBCO/RV_INSTALL>\src\examples\utility directory, an example script is shipped that invokes the daemon of your choice with the command line arguments you want. Some customers do this already because they tune things like the daemon's reliability and/or log file parameters. Customers will be advised to modify the example script to suit their particular needs and to make sure it is deployed in a directory that is before the actual RVD's directory in their PATH. That way, when the client application tries to spawn a daemon, it will be this script that will be run.
In 7.x this is already addressed on Windows with the daemonstart.c example program that is in src\examples\c\win, and in 8.x can be found in src\examples\utilities.
How can we launch rvd64 in place of rvd on 64-bit platforms?