How to disable the portal functionality in XML Canon?

How to disable the portal functionality in XML Canon?


Article ID: KB0092634


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The only way to create XML Canon Portal users is through the "create new portal account" link from the login screen. This means that anybody connecting to XML Canon Web UI is able to create a "portal" user, a feature some customers might find threat to their security and therefore undesirable.

There are two approaches to addressing this issue, nohing that you must have Administrator access to execute the task:
1. Hide the “create new portal account” feature by removing the html link from the server login page “directLogin.html” (path: \TIBCO\xmlcanon\3.1\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\rqst\directLogin.html) and removing (renaming/deleting) the file “newPortalUser.html” from the same location.
2. Set the “Portal" role permissions to "None" thereby effectively locking access to any assets stored on the server. This way, a user can create portal account and login as portal user, but he/she cannot see any assets stored in the repository.


How to disable the portal functionality in XML Canon?