Incorrect results returned by the Process microagent in TIBCO Hawk 4.7 when running on Windows 64 bit OS.

Incorrect results returned by the Process microagent in TIBCO Hawk 4.7 when running on Windows 64 bit OS.


Article ID: KB0092469


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Products Versions
TIBCO Hawk -
Not Applicable -


Hawk 4.7 is a 32 bit application that is tested on the Windows 32 bit platform. Some customers have been running it on 64 bit Windows as well (e.g. 64 bit Windows 2003), as we have expected it to run based on Microsoft’s OS compatibility assurance. We are aware of the following known issues when running Hawk on a 64 bit Windows OS:

The Process microagent methods, Process:getProcess, Process:getInstanceCount and Process:getInstanceCountByCommand will return incorrect results for 64 bit processes. Specifically –
- for 32 bit processes, Process:getProcess will return the correct process name and command.
- for 64 bit processes, Process:getProcess will return “&ltACCESS DENIED>” as the process name and command.
- When process name and command for any 64-bit process are specified as the arguments to Process:getInstanceCount and getInstanceCountbyCommand repectively, the return value for process count is always 0.

Currently there are no workarounds for this. A release is planned in first half of 2008 with full 64 bits support for Hawk on Windows



Incorrect results returned by the Process microagent in TIBCO Hawk 4.7 when running on Windows 64 bit OS.