TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 supports of Visibroker7.0 ORB

TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 supports of Visibroker7.0 ORB


Article ID: KB0089908


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO IntegrationManager -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 now supports Visibroker7.0 ORB since Borland has stopped support for Visibroker 4.x since July 1, 2004. You can refer the link below to verify.

Steps to run Visibroker7.0 ORB Channel Example using IM 5.0.2

1) Download VisiBroker7.0 from using the below link and install it in C:\Borland\VisiBroker

2) Move to folder C:\tibco\im\5.0\samples\features\channels\orb\corba_visibroker
3) Rename file “ns.ior” as “old_ns.ior”
4) Set Path and CLASSPATH using “Set_Path_ClassPath.bat” file mentioned above, this step will ensure that we are using JRE 1.4.2 for compiling java files and put the required VisiBroker jar files in the classpath.

Note: Batch file assumes both VisiBroker and Tibco installed at C:\Borland\VisiBroker and c:\tibco respectly, Incase of changes please modify batch file accordingly

5) Compile Tibco sample supplied Hello.idl, Server.java, Client.java using VisiBroker vbjc command or else copy the following “tibco_vbmake.bat” file to folder C:\tibco\im\5.0\samples\features\channels\orb\corba_visibroker and execute it from there.
6) Start  osagent, name server and Interface Repository using the following commands
start osagent
start nameserv -J-Dvbroker.se.iiop_tp.scm.iiop_tp.listener.port=3000
start irep ir Hello.idl

Start Server using the following command
start vbj -DSVCnameroot=NameService Server

7) Verify setup by running standalone client program using the following command
       vbj -DSVCnameroot=NameService Client

8) Include following required VisiBroker jar’s in “tibco.class.path.extended”


9) Create “orb.properties” file with the following entries and move to      C:\tibco\jre\1.4.2\lib, this will ensure to pickup VisiBroker ORB implementation instead of default sun JRE implementation.

“orb.properties” File entries

10) Run sample “features_channels_orb_visibroker.dat”using imed or imse


TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 supports of Visibroker7.0 ORB


TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 supports of Visibroker7.0 ORB get_app