TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 supports of Visibroker7.0 ORB
Article ID: KB0089908
Updated On:
TIBCO IntegrationManager
Not Applicable
Description: TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 now supports Visibroker7.0 ORB since Borland has stopped support for Visibroker 4.x since July 1, 2004. You can refer the link below to verify. http://support.borland.com/kbshow.php?q=29641
Steps to run Visibroker7.0 ORB Channel Example using IM 5.0.2
1) Download VisiBroker7.0 from using the below link and install it in C:\Borland\VisiBroker http://www.borland.com/downloads/download_visibroker.html
2) Move to folder C:\tibco\im\5.0\samples\features\channels\orb\corba_visibroker 3) Rename file “ns.ior” as “old_ns.ior” 4) Set Path and CLASSPATH using “Set_Path_ClassPath.bat” file mentioned above, this step will ensure that we are using JRE 1.4.2 for compiling java files and put the required VisiBroker jar files in the classpath.
Note: Batch file assumes both VisiBroker and Tibco installed at C:\Borland\VisiBroker and c:\tibco respectly, Incase of changes please modify batch file accordingly
5) Compile Tibco sample supplied Hello.idl, Server.java, Client.java using VisiBroker vbjc command or else copy the following “tibco_vbmake.bat” file to folder C:\tibco\im\5.0\samples\features\channels\orb\corba_visibroker and execute it from there. 6) Start osagent, name server and Interface Repository using the following commands start osagent start nameserv -J-Dvbroker.se.iiop_tp.scm.iiop_tp.listener.port=3000 start irep ir Hello.idl
Start Server using the following command start vbj -DSVCnameroot=NameService Server
7) Verify setup by running standalone client program using the following command vbj -DSVCnameroot=NameService Client
8) Include following required VisiBroker jar’s in “tibco.class.path.extended”
9) Create “orb.properties” file with the following entries and move to C:\tibco\jre\1.4.2\lib, this will ensure to pickup VisiBroker ORB implementation instead of default sun JRE implementation.