If an application is deployed on a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and authorization is enabled with EMS, why is the connection rejected?

If an application is deployed on a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and authorization is enabled with EMS, why is the connection rejected?


Article ID: KB0091983


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -
Not Applicable -


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When the application is deployed on WAS, it uses JNDI lookup for using administered objects configured in EMS server. If authorization is enabled in the JMS Server, then a user name and credential for the Initial Context Factory must be provided as a JNDI lookup requires a connection to the EMS Server. If your bean does not have user and password information, the connection will be anonymous. If authorization is enabled, then this connection will be rejected.

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All versions of TIBCO Enterprise Message Service

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1). Create an 'anonymous' user to let Websphere connect to the EMS server.

2). Provide a valid user and password or disable authorization in EMS. If you want to provide a valid user and password, you could include the following two lines in the jndi.properties file. Fill in real names configured in your EMS system and put jndi.properties in the runtime path so it can be found when WebSphere starts up.

For example, $WEBSPHERE-INSTALL/AppServer/lib/ext

java.naming.security.principal=&ltuser name>

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WAS, password, WebSphere


If an application is deployed on a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and authorization is enabled with EMS, why is the connection rejected?