What does the call to TipcSrvGetConnStatus actually check?

What does the call to TipcSrvGetConnStatus actually check?


Article ID: KB0091661


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TIBCO SmartSockets -
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The value of the conn_status of an RTclient (T_IPC_SRV_CONN_FULL, T_IPC_SRV_CONN_WARM, T_IPC_SRV_CONN_NONE) to an Rtserver is dependent upon the results of the last read or write operation on the conn. This value is stored and read by a call to TipcSrvGetConnStatus. The call to  TipcSrvGetConnStatus _does not_ actually perform a read or write operation so it is possible for a RTclient to lose its connection to RTserver, call TipcSrvGetConnStatus and return a false connection status. To check the health of a connection to RTserver call TipcSrvKeepAlive.


What does the call to TipcSrvGetConnStatus actually check?