The BW engine not starting from "command line" on 64-bit UNIX machine: ERROR "/home/ACSRT_Gateway/jre/lib/i386/server/" Failed to Load Shared library ....

The BW engine not starting from "command line" on 64-bit UNIX machine: ERROR "/home/ACSRT_Gateway/jre/lib/i386/server/" Failed to Load Shared library ....


Article ID: KB0091385


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -


We have seen this issue on 64-bit Linux machine. To workaround this issue please follow these steps:
(Make sure you get a backup of your files before moving it):

1) cd $TIBCO_HOME/bw/5.4/bin
2) mv bwengine bwengine32
3) cp bwengine64 bwengine


The BW engine not starting from "command line" on 64-bit UNIX machine: ERROR "/home/ACSRT_Gateway/jre/lib/i386/server/" Failed to Load Shared library ....