I got "BWENGINE-100001 process initialization failed" caused by "Cannot create Transport" caused by "TibrvException[error=27,message=Not permitted]" Why?
Article ID: KB0092082
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks
Not Applicable
Resolution: The "TibrvException[error=27,message=Not permitted]" exception could occur in one of the following conditions:
1. If a CM listener is not registered for certified delivery with the sender then it presents the sender's name to the callback method but omits the sequence number. In this case, the receiving program cannot confirm delivery; TibrvCmListener.confirmMsg() throws an exception with the status code TibrvStatus.NOT_PERMITTED.
Notice that the first labeled message that a program receives on a subject may not be certified; that is, the sender has not registered a certified delivery agreement with the listener. If appropriate, the certified delivery library automatically requests that the sender register the listener for certified delivery.
2. This error is also seen if the user tries to confirm a certified message which has already been confirmed. Please make sure that you are not trying to confirm the same message twice.
3. If you do not have the appropriate permissions to create/access the ledger file in the respective directory.
4. This error can arise if more than 1 CM transport is using this same ledger file. Please make sure that no other CM transport is using this same ledger
Make sure you have the appropriate permissions and not more than one CM transport is accessing the same ledger file. Try to kill all RVD's on that box and restart BW.
I got "BWENGINE-100001 process initialization failed" caused by "Cannot create Transport" caused by "TibrvException[error=27,message=Not permitted]" Why?