TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 HotFix 11 now supports for JRE 1.5.0 and Oracle 10g

TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 HotFix 11 now supports for JRE 1.5.0 and Oracle 10g


Article ID: KB0092085


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO IntegrationManager -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 HotFix 11  now supports for Java (JRE / JDK) 1.5.0 in addition to the currently supported  Java (JRE / JDK) versions as listed in the TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 product documentation.  

TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 HotFix 11 now also supports Oracle 9i Release 2 ( to and Oracle 10g Release 2 ( to ) in addition to the currently supported Oracle versions as listed in the TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 product documentation.

Please refer to the product readme for details on the other supported database and Java (JRE / JDK) version for TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2

Limitation and Restrictions:

Installation Steps:
TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 HotFix 11 Setup
Java (JRE / JDK) 1.5.0 Setup
Oracle 10g Release 2 ( to or Oracle 9i Release 2 ( to Setup

Configuration Changes:

For Java (JRE / JDK) 1.5.0:
1. TIBCO IntegrationManager Editor and Engine tra files need to include For Java (JRE / JDK) 1.5.0 virtual machine (jvm) path.
- For TIBCO Integration Manager Editor, set “java.library” in imed.tra to &ltJava (JRE / JDK) 1.5 installation >/bin/client/jvm.dll on windows.
- For TIBCO Integration Manager Engine, set “java.library” in imse.tra to &ltJava (JRE / JDK) 1.5 installation >/bin/client/jvm.dll on windows

2. TIBCO IntegrationManager Editor and Engine tra files need to include For Java (JRE / JDK) 1.5.0 library path.
- For TIBCO Integration Manager Editor, set “tibco.class.path.extended” in imed.tra to &ltJava (JRE / JDK) 1.5 installation >/bin/lib on windows.
- For TIBCO Integration Manager Engine, set “tibco.class.path.extended” in imse.tra to &ltJava (JRE / JDK) 1.5 installation >/bin/lib on windows.

Please refer to Java (JDK/JRE) documentation to locate java virtual machine and java library path on specific platform.

For Oracle:
TIBCO IntegrationManager Editor and Engine tra files need to include Oracle Thin and Thick drivers for Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g’

- For TIBCO Integration Manager Editor, set “tibco.class.path.extended” in imed.tra to point to Oracle drivers (Thin or Thick) for Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g
- For TIBCO Integration Manager Engine, set “tibco.class.path.extended” in imse.tra to point to Oracle drivers (Thin or Thick) for Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g

Please refer to Oracle documentation to locate thin and thick drivers for specific platform.

Known Issues:

1. XML parser used in process throws  'java.io.IOException: Error reading schema: Provider org.apache.crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found' with Java (JRE/JDK 1.5.0)  

The J2SE 1.4 platform included JAXP 1.1 ("Crimson"). The J2SE 5.0 platform includes JAXP 1.3 ("Xerces"). At runtime, TIBCO IntegrationManager fails to load crimson XML parser.

Loss of functionality

Please include following two properties in imed.tra / imse.tra to use “Xerces” parse.

2. If XML Transformer code used in IM process throws below execption.

javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Non-whitespace text is not allowed in this position in the stylesheet!
        at org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer(TransformerFactoryImpl.java:805)


In JRE 1.4.2, Xalan was the default transformer. Since the Apache community has agreed to make XSLTC the default processor for developing XSLT 2.0, XSLTC is the default transformer as of JRE/JDK 1.5.0. (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/compatibility.html for more details).

Loss of functionality


IM by default ship the older version of xerces/xercesimpl jar files.  Download the Xalan package from Apache site. Xalan package ships its own version of xerces files. Either you keep xalan package in separate folder and point that directory in imse/imed tra file ( or ) make sure you overwrite all these files (Xerces, XercesImpl, xml-apis, serializer, Xalan) in IM Java folder and explicitly point each jar file prior to java folder like below.

tibco.class.path.extended= /usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/hotfix/lib/TIBim.jar:/usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/hotfix/lib/TIBwssdk.jar:/usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/hotfix/lib:/usr/local/tibco/tibrv/lib: /usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/java/xalan.jar: /usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/java/xerces.jar: /usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/java/xercesImpl.jar/:/usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/java/xml-apis.jar: /usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/java/serializer.jar:/usr/local/tibco/im/5.0/java……….

3. On AIX platform,  UnsatisfiedLinkError error is thrown while running TIBCO IntegrationManager java samples.

TIBCO IntegrationManager throws “UnsatisfiedLinkError” for java-based samples on AIX. Java Based samples need pointing to JDK installed on AIX before compiling script. While executing java-based samples with IBM J9 VM SDK, IBM J9 VM libraries are needed at runtime.

Loss of functionality

This problem is resolved by adding &ltJava (JRE / JDK) 1.5 installation folder>/bin/j9vm in IM_JRE path of TIBCO IntegrationManager environment file “im_env”.

4. With Oracle 10g drivers, the datetime values are fetched incorrectly from the database. The timestamp part, if present, is lost and the timestamp is displayed as 00:00:00

Prior to Oracle 9.2, Oracle JDBC Drivers mapped the DATE data type to java.sql.Timestamp that contained both, date and time information. In Oracle 9.2 TIMESTAMP data type support was added. In the JDBC drivers of Oracle 9.2 and later the Oracle DATE data type is mapped to java.sql.Date and Oracle TIMESTAMP data type is mapped to java.sql.Timestamp. Since java.sql.Date object does not contain the time information, if the database DATE column contains time, that information is lost and the time part of the datetime is displayed as zeros.

Loss of functionality

Set the system property oracle.jdbc.V8Compatibility to true in the imse.tra / imed.tra file.
e.g. java.extended.properties -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Doracle.jdbc.V8Compatibility=true


TIBCO IntegrationManager 5.0.2 HotFix 11 now supports for JRE 1.5.0 and Oracle 10g