Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Files (Unix/Win) with SSL authentication and JNDI lookup using the SSL protocol to connect to an EMS server.

Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Files (Unix/Win) with SSL authentication and JNDI lookup using the SSL protocol to connect to an EMS server.


Article ID: KB0091079


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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Files for Unix and Windows -
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Detailed the configuration steps for TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Files (Unix/Win) with SSL and JNDI lookup to connect to an EMS server.


Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Files (Unix/Win) with SSL authentication and JNDI lookup using the SSL protocol to connect to an EMS server.


The following steps should be used to configure TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Files (Unix/Win) (FA) with SSL and JNDI lookup in JMS session (e.g: DefaultJMSTopicSession / DefaultJMSQueueSession for the sample project) .

1). Open the DefaultJMSTopicSession or DefaultJMSQueueSession (Advanced Tab->Sessions) from the attached project ( If you are using your own new project, then refer to sessions located under (Advanced Tab->Sessions).

2). Select the JNDI lookups check box.

3). Enter the Connection Factory Name, Username, Password configured at EMS server side.

4). Drag the "JmsSslProviderUrl" global variable in Provider URL field.

5). Select Use SSL.

6). Create a folder (eg: Cert). Drag the Identity activity in folder (Cert).

7). Select Type as "Identity File" from the drop down list.

8). Browse the file ("client_identity.p12") located at <EMS_HOME>/samples/certs/ in URL field. This is a sample identity provided by the EMS server. The location is subject to change from version to version. You can point to the identity file for your certificates.

9). Select File Type as "PKCS12" from the drop down list.

10). In the Designer menu option, select Tools->Trusted Certificates->Import Into PEM Format. This will open the "Import Trusted Certificate" window.

11). Browse the file "client_root.cert.pem" located at (<EMS_HOME>/samples/certs/). This will create "client_root" in the project panel. This is a sample identity provided by the EMS server and the location is subject to change from version to version.You can point to client root certificates.

12). Repeat steps 10 and 11 to locate file "server_root.cert.pem" located at (<EMS_HOME>/samples/certs/) that will create "server_root" in the project panel.

13). Click on the button "Configure SSL" (Advanced Tab->Sessions->DefaultJMSTopicSession or DefaultJMSQueueSession). This will open the "SSL Configuration for TIBCO EMS" dialog window.

14). Under the Basic Tab, Browse Trusted Certificate folder (eg: Cert) using the Browse button.

15). Under the Basic Tab, Browse the Identity using the browse button.

16). Under the Advanced Tab, unchecked the Verify Host Name check box.

17). Click OK and save the project.

18). Make sure the EMS server is running with SSL configured and authorization enabled.

19). Click on the Test Connection button and check that the connection is successful.


Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Files (Unix/Win) with SSL authentication and JNDI lookup using the SSL protocol to connect to an EMS server. get_app