Using domainutilitycmd to Build Shared Archive, to add machine to a domain, and to register Workflow Server, Doc Repo server and servlet engine to a domain

Using domainutilitycmd to Build Shared Archive, to add machine to a domain, and to register Workflow Server, Doc Repo server and servlet engine to a domain


Article ID: KB0090933


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator -
Not Applicable -


If the customer has trouble in using the domainutility from the GUI because of x-windows, or they
prefer to use commaind line, they can always choose to use it by domainutilitycmd, which has the
syntax of:
domainutilitycmd -cmdFile &ltfile> [ -domain &ltname> ] [ -usr &ltuser> -pwd &ltpassword> ] [ -logFile &ltfilename> ] [-verbose] [-lang &ltlocale>] [-help | -? | -h]

In the above command, a command file of *.xml is required.
TIBCO has provided sample cmd xml files to use, which can be modified
the revelant parameters to satisfy the relevant environment.

The sample cmd .xml file to add existing machine to a domain is:
\tra\5.5\template\domainutility\cmdline\ AddMachine.xml

The sample cmd .xml file to register existing WF/Repo servers to a domain is:

The sample cmd .xml file to remove existing WF/Repo servers from a domain: tibco\bwc\5.5\template\DUCmdSampleRemoveTask.xml

For BWC 5.4 and prior version, the sample cmd .xml file to register and remove servlet engine are:

For BWC 5.5, the sample cmd .xml file to register the servlet engine is:
\tra\5.5\template\domainutility\ add_tomcat_servlet_engine_task.xml

For BWC 5.5, the sample cmd .xml file to create a shared.ear file:

More details can be referred in tib_tra_domain_utility_usr.pdf.


Using domainutilitycmd to Build Shared Archive, to add machine to a domain, and to register Workflow Server, Doc Repo server and servlet engine to a domain