How to send RFCIN only by GLN or GTIN?

How to send RFCIN only by GLN or GTIN?


Article ID: KB0091603


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager -
Not Applicable -


Here are the steps:

a) Use the "" provided with the CIM under $MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard/misc/ directory. It has document (HowTo_ImportSubscriptionpack.doc) with all the instructions on how to import it into the enterprise.

b) Once the subscription pack is imported it will create a EANUCCSUBSCRIPTIONCATALOG master catalog.

c) Now replace the map file (mpfromcatact26towwre30rfcinv1.xsl) under $MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard/maps/ with the attached map file (mpfromcatact26towwre30rfcinv1_fix.xsl) which is actually modified to send the GTIN, GPC CODE, Target Market only when they are populated

d) After replacing the map file, add a simple new record with GLN populated in the SUPPLIERID attribute with some PRODUCTID and PRODUCTIDEXT

e) Then do a Send message for that record through the record view page.

By doing the above, one can have RFCIN sent by GLN or GTIN or Target market or GPC code.


How to send RFCIN only by GLN or GTIN?


How to send RFCIN only by GLN or GTIN? get_app