Admin and domain hawk agent reconnection with EMS server

Admin and domain hawk agent reconnection with EMS server


Article ID: KB0091399


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Administrator -
Not Applicable -


We have two types of domain communication that happen via EMS server

1. POF (repository) communication.
2. Hawk communication.

Admin and hawk agent by default tries to reconnect to EMS server when ems server goes down.
For POF communication, the default reconnection interval is 10sec and it retries it for indefinite times.
For Hawk communication, the default reconnection interval is 1sec and it retries it for 1800 times.

If you want to configure the reconnection interval and attempts, please go use the below properties.

For the JMS reconnection by admin and hawk agent in hawk communication,

- Add " n[,i]" to tibcoadmin_&ltdomainname>.tra file and hawkagent_&ltdomainname>.tra file.
   where n is number of attempts (default value is 1800) , and i is interval in milliseconds between attempts (default value is 1000).
  Ex: To set reconnection interval for 5 seconds for 5 attempts, 5,5000

For the JMS reconnection by admin and hawk agent in POF communication,

- Add "notifier.ems.reconnectInterval &ltreconnection interval in millisec> to and on all the machiens that are part of the domain.
    Ex: To set reconnection interval to 10sec, then add "notifier.ems.reconnectInterval=10000"
  In case of POF communication, admin and hawk retries for indefinite times.


Admin and domain hawk agent reconnection with EMS server