How to control access to different CIM menu items based on user roles?

How to control access to different CIM menu items based on user roles?


Article ID: KB0091815


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Products Versions
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager -
Not Applicable -


You would need to modify the role2funcmap table to customize the privileges of roles. The access to links can be controlled using the permissions feature under administration.

All the functions associated with different roles are stored in the FUNCTION table. For every function that has to be denied to a particular role in an enterprise, a record has to be inserted to the role2fucnmap table. Similarly, for every function that has to be granted to a role in an enterprise a record has to be deleted from the role2funcmap table.

For example if you want to deny the access to Data Source menu to users belonging to the Admin role in an enterprise, you need to execute the following INSERT SQL statement:

insert into role2funcmap (id, roleid, funcid, name, priority) values (mq_sequence_1.nextval, &ltroleid>, 9, 'Admin', 0)

where roleid is: select id from role where name='Admin' and enterpriseid=(select id from enterprise where name=&ltenterprise name>)

Similarly if you want to grant catalogmenu_data_source menu access to users belonging to the Catalog Editor role, you need to execute the following DELETE statement:

delete from role2funcmap where roleid=(select id from role where name='Catalog Editor' and enterpriseid=(select id from enterprise where name=&ltenterprise name>)) and funcid=9

Here funcid 9 is associated with the function catalogmenu_data_source.


How to control access to different CIM menu items based on user roles?