Is the SmartSockets product being retired?

Is the SmartSockets product being retired?


Article ID: KB0086197


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO SmartSockets -
Not Applicable -


No, the core TIBCO SmartSockets product is not being retired.

Recently TIBCO Software has issued a number of Late Breaking News (LBN) articles regarding the retirement of ancillary products associated with TIBCO SmartSockets.  Unfortunately these announcements have caused some confusion because of the naming conventions and component reuse of the SmartSockets product set. Please note that none of these announcements affect the core SmartSockets product set which includes, RTserver, RTmonitor, and the SmartSockets client API libraries.

The following set of products is NOT being retired at this time:

o    TIBCO SmartSockets® RTserver Bundle (Unix/Win)  
o    TIBCO SmartSockest® RT Server Bundle (VMS)        
o    TIBCO SmartSockets® Developer (Unix/Win)            
o    TIBCO SmartSockets® Developer (VMS)                  
o    TIBCO SmartSockets® Cache
o    TIBCO SmartPGM™

For convenience we have listed below the LBNs which affect other products in the SmartSockets product line which are starting the retirement process. Again it is important to know that none of these announcements affect the set of products listed above:

LBN 1-82KJHG - 4/08: SmartSockets SSL
LBN 1-9B4HO6 - 9/08: SmartSockets Product Family (formerly known as RTworks)
LBN 1-9KWHMB - 1/09: SmartSockets Add-ons and SmartPGM-FX
LBN 1-9KWHMM - 1/09: Hawk SmartSockets Adapter
LBN 1-9KWHNC - 1/09: SmartSockets for JMS
LBN 1-9KWHNV - 1/09: SmartSockets RTgateway
LBN 1-9KWHOC - 1/09: SmartSockets LiveDB
LBN 1-9KWHQI - 1/09: SmartSockets LiveWeb
LBN 1-9KWHR0 - 1/09: SmartSockets Monitor (agent for SNMP)
LBN 1-9KWHS4 - 1/09: SmartSockets Rendezvous Adapter


Is the SmartSockets product being retired?