In SDK 5.5 examples, the makefile/setup_env script must be modified appropriately to avoid facing compilation/linking errors.

In SDK 5.5 examples, the makefile/setup_env script must be modified appropriately to avoid facing compilation/linking errors.


Article ID: KB0087428


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Adapter SDK -
Not Applicable -


Linking errors thrown for maverick when compiling the custom adapter/example code using SDK 5.5 C++ API.

The provided in the SDK examples of the SDK 5.5.0 and SDK 5.5.1 is not updated to point to the latest library files maverick55.

The custom build adapter even though it successfully compiles but fails to start successfully, throws linking errors.

Work Around:
The following is required to be done to ensure that the problem does not occur:

1. Close any open command prompt window.
2. Go to the properties of My Computer and under the advanced tab go to the environment variables.
3. Edit the LIB environment variable and add the SDK/5.5.x/lib path directory.
4. Edit the path environment variable to make it point to the SDK/5.5.x/bin directory.
5. For developing and compiling the custom code successfully the following must also be added under the include path: &ltSDK_HOME>/include, &ltSDK_HOME>/include/xerces.
6. Apply the changes.
7. You can open the command prompt windows and run or compile the adapter code.     
Unix (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Linux):

The following changes need to be modified before running the SDK examples:
1. The or file needs to be modified to add a new variable SDK_ROOT which will point to the &ltSDK_HOME> directory.
2. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH, SHLIB_PATH (for HP-UX) and path must point to the lib directory of the SDK_ROOT.
3. Save and exit.
4. Run the shell script and ensure that the environment variables are set.

Before running the SDK example we need to perform the following changes:
1. The make file which is in SDK example needs to be modified to have the include path pointing to the user directory, SDK include directory (&ltSDK_HOME>/include, &ltSDK_HOME>/include/xercesc), TRA directory.
2. Run the configure shell script again using the modified make file.
3. Run the executable created.

The above steps needs to be followed when developing a custom adapter code

Please note that the &ltEMS_HOME>\clients\c\include must also be provided with the include path if you are using MTree for creating messages (RV or JMS) before compiling the code.



In SDK 5.5 examples, the makefile/setup_env script must be modified appropriately to avoid facing compilation/linking errors.