HSSQL Database filling up can cause BC EDI engine to stop processing transactions.

HSSQL Database filling up can cause BC EDI engine to stop processing transactions.


Article ID: KB0087318


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TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol Powered by Instream -
Not Applicable -


EDI 5.2 uses a internal database for caching purposes,  known as HSSQL.  This database uses the BC local temporary directory to store intermediate data.

Over time, this database gets large as BC processes transactions.  Given that this database has a limit of 2 GB, EDI 5.2 will start rejecting transactions and throwing errors in the BusinessConnect*.log file when this limit is reached.  The error is the BusinessConnect*.log file will look like this:

2008 Dec 11 12:42:00:173 GMT -6 BW.BusinessConnect-Single-Server Error [bw.logger] BW-EXT-LOG-100000 Job-191612.191612 Exception caught in EDI document parserException: Failed to update/insert into EDI node hsqldb cache storage: edi_cache_seg_8a8a7aa61e0921da011e09224d0d0337: java.io.IOException: S1000 Data file size limit is reached in statement [update edi_cache_seg_8a8a7aa61e0921da011e09224d0d0337 set content = ?, expirytime = ? where objoid = ?]
        at com.tibco.ax.edi.parser.EDINodeHSQLDBStore.put(EDINodeHSQLDBStore.java:344)

or this:]

java.sql.SQLException: java.io.IOException: S1000 Data file size limit is reached in statement [update edi_cache_seg_8a8a7aa61e0921da011e09224d0d0337 set content = ?, expirytime = ? where objoid = ?]

The workaround for this issue is to stop BC, delete the contents of the local temp directory and restart.

The permanent fix for this issue is included in EDI 5.2.1 and EDI 5.3.  These EDI version use a new caching system, known as ehcache, which eliminates the issue entirely.  See the EDI 5.2.1 or EDI 5.3 Release Notes for information on how to enable ehcache in your environment.

NOTE:  If you migrate from EDI 5.2.1 to EDI 5.3, the hssql database is still enabled by default.   You must manually enable ehcache per the instructions in the Release Notes for it to be used.



HSSQL Database filling up can cause BC EDI engine to stop processing transactions.