Running McAffe antivirus software on a node hosting EMS

Running McAffe antivirus software on a node hosting EMS


Article ID: KB0086766


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -
Not Applicable -


Q). Our customer is going to implement McAfee antivirus scan on the Windows node hosting the TIBCO EMS server. By default, the antivirus software will scan all files. Are there any EMS related files that should be excludes from the scan that would possibly cause performance degradation?

A). The files that should be excluded are any EMS log files in addition to all store files. Executing McAfee or any other antivirus software within an EMS production environment where EMS is also running may not be the best recommendation because performance degradation is always a side effect of running antivirus software.


Running McAffe antivirus software on a node hosting EMS