What makes BE engine create four threads? (i.e. where is that setting/configuration and how is that determined to use 4 threads)for preprocessor ?How does the preprocessor work?

What makes BE engine create four threads? (i.e. where is that setting/configuration and how is that determined to use 4 threads)for preprocessor ?How does the preprocessor work?


Article ID: KB0087393


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
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In the BAR, at the InputDestinations Tab, the place for  preprocessor settings ,  a column named "Workers" for specifying the number of worker threads is available and  by default this is Zero (0) which means 4 threads are created by default.

Below are the steps on how the engine with preprocessor process a message from the queue.

After picking the message from the message queue (JMS), it

1) Dequeues the message from the queue

2) Deserializes the message to an event

3) Calls preprocessor function

4) Gets the Lock on Rete.

            a) Assert all objects to rete

            b) Retract object that have been deleted

5) Releases lock on Rete

If the worker thread is 0, then a shared queue is used for all destinations you have and the threads will pick up messages for this shared queue

If the worker threads selected is > 0, then a dedicated queue will be there for each destination and thread will pick up messages from the dedicated queue


What makes BE engine create four threads? (i.e. where is that setting/configuration and how is that determined to use 4 threads)for preprocessor ?How does the preprocessor work?