Error: “Failed to create the Portal objects in domain” when deploying a TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator application.

Error: “Failed to create the Portal objects in domain” when deploying a TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator application.


Article ID: KB0087437


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator -
Not Applicable -


Generally this error comes when there is something wrong in the registration of the servlet engine and may be related to the rebuild of the environment.  
“Failed to create the Portal objects in domain” error comes when there is something wrong in the registration of servlet engine and may be related to the rebuild of the environment.

Generally this error comes when there is something wrong in the registration of servlet engine and may be related to the rebuild of the environment.


Error: “Failed to create the Portal objects in domain” when deploying a TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator application.


Corrective action follows.

1). Use the DomainUtility to remove your current Tomcat servlet engine.

2). Go to the Tomcat folder, for example, <BWC_HOME>\5.4\tomcat\conf and delete server_<SERVER_NAME>.xml .


3). Make sure that the folders "webapps-<name>-<portno>" under /bwc/5.4/tomcat/ are deleted. If not deleted during un-registration, you will have to manually delete these folders.

4). Reregister the Tomcat servlet engine using the domain utility and give the appropriate name.


5). This should generate the Tomcat startup scripts in the tibco/bwc/5.4/bin folder. You can find the startup file in tomcat_default-<Port_number>.cmd.

6). Recreate the Deployment Platform war file by using the Domain Utility tool.

7). Stop Tomcat and restart the Tomcat servlet engine with the scripts tomcat_default-<Port_number>.cmd under the \tibco\bwc\5.4\bin folder.

8). Start the other components (workflow server and repository server).

9). Deploy the application.