This Late Breaking News item addresses closed issues for TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0. It is an addendum to the list of closed issues listed in the associated release notes.
Article ID: KB0086870
Updated On:
TIBCO Administrator
Not Applicable
After installing TIBCO BusinessConnect and changing the database information for a domain, the TIBCO BusinessConnect plugin will fail to connect the database when logging in to TIBCO Administrator GUI.
This has been fixed.
When deploying a process to multiple machines, the deployment will fail and no service instances are list in Admin GUI if one of them fails to deploy.
This has been fixed. In 5.6, administrator GUI lists the service instances which are successfully deployed even though the deployment to one/some of the service instances failed to deploy. After this, the next redeploy action will only deploy the service instance whose machine has failed.
In Firefox browser, if you wait for sometime before selecting an item in the EMS server drop-down list the following error comes up.
SYSTEM ERROR: Have your System Administrator check the Error Log java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification( at java.util.AbstractList$ ........
This has been fixed.
Since the word 'Kill Jobs Timeout' is used, it is misleading the customers that these values are picked even when killing the bw instance. We need to enhance the doc that confguration 'Kill Jobs Timeout' and ' wait-for-checkpoint' is picked only when we stop the instance here.
This has been fixed.
Newly added global variables not showing up under Admin GUI app configuration after uploading the new .ear file.
This has been fixed.
Inaccurate/missing info for the TRA doc for EMS as domain transport: - 1. other than the topics documented, _HAWK.<domain_name>.> and com.tibco.repo.> topics should be added too. - 2. Also "com.tibco.pof.* topics" should be "com.tibco.pof.> topics" in the doc. - 3. We did not mention any queues, we need to add com.tibco.repo.> queues in TIBCO_HOME/ems/bin/queues.conf. - 4. We should change the doc for adding topics com.tibco.pof.<domain-name>.commit.notify and com.tibco.pof.AUTH_<domain-name>.commit.notify to com.tibco.pof.> instead.
This has been fixed.
Need functionality to delete old revisions directly from admin gui.
This has been fixed.
This Late Breaking News item addresses closed issues for TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0. It is an addendum to the list of closed issues listed in the associated release notes.