What does this error mesasge mean?TAL-SS-15425-I Client /foo unique subject check complete, but prime no longer exists.
Article ID: KB0086941
Updated On:
TIBCO SmartSockets
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ========== This message would be reported by the RTserver which an RTclient was in the process of establishing a connection to. The RTserver is reporting that the RTclient’s unique subject is indeed unique but that the RTclient in question has disconnected from the RTserver before the RTserver could complete the connection.
This is different from the following message which would be displayed if the RTclient disconnects from RTserver during the unique_subject check itself, before the RTserver has fully determined if it is in fact unique. TAL-SS-15008-I Client </foo> disconnected while unique subject check was in progress.
Environment: =========== All
What does this error mesasge mean?TAL-SS-15425-I Client /foo unique subject check complete, but prime no longer exists.