How do I set reply message subject for an adapter request in BW?

How do I set reply message subject for an adapter request in BW?


Article ID: KB0084978


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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for SAP Solutions -
Not Applicable -


The reply subject can be only set by the client sending the request and there is no configuration of the reply subject at the adapter end as of now. We can set the reply subject only in BW (from BW 5.5 onwards). We can specify the reply message subject while sending the request to the adapter in the request message. If the sender sends the reply subject, the adapter will send the reply on that particular subject.

In case of inbound adapter, the BW acts as a client (sender) and the adapter as a server. The activity "Invoke an Adapter Request-Response Service" in BW has separate fields for request subject name (subject field) and reply subject name (replySubject field) under the Input Tab. If we set the reply subject here, BW will expect the reply to be sent on that subject.


How do I set reply message subject for an adapter request in BW?