Resolution: The only different between execute and executeWithEvent is the input. The executeWithEvent require a event as the input. The xml of that event looks like below: <ns0:NewEvent xmlns:ns0="" Id="2"><payload><ns0:root><AAA><CCC>Input for CCC</CCC></AAA><BBB><DDD>Input for DDD</DDD></BBB></ns0:root></payload></ns0:NewEvent> The sub-elements under payload are the schema which you specified in the payload tab of that event. I think the reason why you didn’t get the correct the result is that you didn’t provide the correct namespace and prefix. You can use xpath ‘/*’ to get the all elements in that event. And then you can get the correct namespace and prefix. For example, please check below code.
If you want to get the root element, you need to use String xpath = "//ns0:root";. Please note that the root element of that event is the ns0:Event, not the ns0:root. So please make sure you use the correct xpath and namespace.