How secondary Document Repository server can be install on secondary box in silent mode while doing HA setup.

How secondary Document Repository server can be install on secondary box in silent mode while doing HA setup.


Article ID: KB0094581


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator -
Not Applicable -


While creating BWC HA setup, Primary server is setup/created with single installation (running BWC installation once). On Secondary server, we have to run the installation twice (first time to install Workflow server and second time Repository server). In silent mode installation with response file, Workflow server gets installed successfully. When we try to install Repository server it does not get installed. However in GUI/Console mode the Repository server install successfully, but not in silent mode.

To install the Repository server on secondary box in silent mode using response file, please follow the steps below:

1. Download the attached zip and extract TIBCOInstaller.jar into /tmp folder
2. Download the attached response file (bwc_rsp.txt) into /tmp folder
3. Run the installer using the syntax

          bwworkflow.5.4.0-suite_sol8_sparc.bin –cp:p /tmp/TIBCOInstaller.jar –options /tmp/bwc_rsp.txt –is:silent –silent


How secondary Document Repository server can be install on secondary box in silent mode while doing HA setup.


How secondary Document Repository server can be install on secondary box in silent mode while doing HA setup. get_app
How secondary Document Repository server can be install on secondary box in silent mode while doing HA setup. get_app