Update the EMS client jar file used by the iProcess IAPJMS process

Update the EMS client jar file used by the iProcess IAPJMS process


Article ID: KB0094569


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL) -
Not Applicable -


The iProcess IAPJMS send messages to a designated JMS server / topic.
IAPJMS can be configured to use TIBCO EMS as the JMS server / provider.

The IAPJMS references the following EMS jar files:

he location of the file is designated in the iProcess configuration file:

The jar files in iProcess can be updated with the client jar file supplied with the EMS Server – this ensures that the EMS client and server are at the same version.

The following procedure can be sued to update iProcess with the EMS tibjms.jar file:
1.    Stop iProcess
2.    Copy / backup the existing EMS jar files
3.    Upgrade the existing EMS jar files
4.    Start iProcess

Ensure that the ownership and permissions on the new jar file are the same as that of the original file.

The jar file can be located in the EMS Server installation:
EMS 4 and below    EMS_HOME/clients/java
EMS 5 and above    EMS_HOME/lib

If the EMS server is installed on the same server as iProcess then amend the iapjms_classpath.properties to refercne the path to the EMS server:
EMS_HOME/clients/java or EMS_HOME/lib
1.    Stop iProcess
2.    Edit and modify the location of the EMS jar files in SWDIR/etc/iapjms_classpath.properties
3.    Start iProcess


Update the EMS client jar file used by the iProcess IAPJMS process