How to resolve the issue when there are many logs including “MAX_DATA_ELEMENTS exceeded “ and “Slow consumer RBEngine”?
Article ID: KB0075369
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Not Applicable
Resolution: The Hawk agent outputs this error when the rulebase engine is receiving too much incoming data than it can actually process. This is usually due to temporarily overloaded machine. Please check the available resources on the system and resources available to the Hawk agent process.
Please adjust the below properties to increase the system resource available to the Hawk agent.
1. Check your rulebases to see if you can reduce the data source polling interval. For example, if there is no need to poll the data source every 10 seconds, you can change the interval to 30 seconds or other appropriate value. Generally speaking, if the other running applications can not be changed (to reduce system load), then reduce the Hawk agent application load by increasing the data source polling interval.
2. MAX_DATA_ELEMENTS exceeded means that the rulebase data waiting for processing has exceeded some predefined limit and that may cause some processing errors or omissions. Data is being produced at a rate faster than the hawkagent can process it. Usually it is due to a temporarily overloaded machine. Your application load could be heavy which causes the messages can not be processed in time (a slow consumer issue causing the buffered MAX_DATA_ELEMENTS exceeded error to occur).
3.Use Logfile:onNewLineWithPatternFile() instead of Logfile:onNewLine since the onNewLineWithPatternFile are more efficient and less resource consuming.
4.If you are using UNIX, please ensure the agent has enough file descriptors. "Ulimit -n" should be a minimum of 256 for the agent's shell.
5. You can increase the JVM memory way up (i.e. -Xms96m -Xmx128m)
If you still have this problem after apply these recommendations, please contact Hawk support.
How to resolve the issue when there are many logs including “MAX_DATA_ELEMENTS exceeded “ and “Slow consumer RBEngine”?