How to delete/purge data in the InConcert (IC) database without using the Delete Palette.

How to delete/purge data in the InConcert (IC) database without using the Delete Palette.


Article ID: KB0092045


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator -
Not Applicable -


If you want to remove completed jobs from the InConcert database in order to clean up the database or to improve performance, you need to delete old jobs from the InConcert database. Also, while deleting completed jobs, to clean associated tasks, attributes and other referenced table entries, use the method WfJob.delete() of IcJava API when deleting a Job.


How to delete/purge data in the InConcert (IC) database without using the Delete Palette.


To purge data from the database there are two approaches.

1). Use the Manage Job activity from the TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator Palette. This calls WfJob.delete() IcJava API when deleting a Job.  

2). You can write an IcJava application which is called to delete jobs directly from the database. You may want to SQL select the Job IDs sorted by date of creation and feed that into the IcJava program to delete.

The WfJob.delete call will remove data from the Job, Task, Binders, Roles and Attribute tables as well as others.

Additional Information

You can get more details about connecting to Workflow server with IcJava in the document located at <bwc home>/doc/bwc/pdf/IC_pdf/tib_ic_icjava_ref.pdf.