How to build Perl modules to run Rendezvous samples.
Article ID: KB0092040
Updated On:
TIBCO Rendezvous
Not Applicable
Configuring TIB/Rendezvous extensions into Perl5 ------------------------------------------------ *******IMPORTANT!********
If you are a user of Perl on a UNIX derived operating system, you will obtain the best results if thread support is enabled in your Perl interperter. If thread support is not enabled, then you may have stability issues under high message rates.
1). If you do not have a Perl installation you will need to install Perl first.
2). Set the environment variable TIBRV_DIR to point to the directory where you installed TIB/Rendezvous into.
Windows: -------- set TIBRV_DIR=<installation_directory>
Where <installation_directory> is the directory you installed TIB/Rendezvous V6 into.
3). Build and install the Perl extension.
If you do not have write permission to the directory where the TIB/Rendezvous Perl extensions are installed you can copy them to a directory where you have write permission.
cd into the directory where the perl extension is located perform the following:
perl Makefile.PL
When that is done you can then do:
and then
make install
(On Windows run nmake or GNU make should work as well.)
4). Running TIB/Rendezvous perl programs.
Once TIB/Rendezvous enabled Perl is installed you can start writing Perl programs that use TIB/Rendezvous. There is provided in the src directory where TIB/Rendezvous was installed a perl directory that contains some simple examples on how to use TIB/Rendezvous from Perl. Refer in /tibco/tibrv/src/perl/Tibrv for more help on how to develop a Perl script that will publish RV messages.
You can use the C programming as a reference for creating Perl programs. On some platforms you may need to set environment variables in order for the system to find the TIB/Rendezvous shared libraries. On most UNIX based systems this is LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX).
How to build Perl modules to run Rendezvous samples.